Work with us in finding new and sustainable solutions

Make an impact


Working at crino means being challenged every day by problems no one has thought of before. It means achieving goals as a team but taking responsibility individually. We believe that meaningful tasks make you perform best.

However, work is not always just about what you do. It is also about who you do it with. We aim at bulding a team that makes you feel like a family of similar minded.

We are always looking for motivated future members of our familiy of doers, techies and forward thinkers

Open positions

Full-time positions

Currently we are looking for an:

Mechatroniker, Industriemechaniker, Maschinenbautechniker (m/w/d)

Deine Aufgaben

Bei uns kannst du deinen Tatendrang voll entfalten. Von der Idee bis zur praktischen Umsetzung – Du bist am gesamten Entwicklungszyklus beteiligt. Auf dich warten Planungs- und Konstruktionsaufgaben genauso wie Hands-on Projekte im Prototypenbereich. Du machst aus Konzepten mit additiven oder zerspanenden Verfahren erste Muster, baust mit Systemprofilen Prototypen auf und unterstützt bei der Inbetriebnahme. Ebenso bist du beteiligt an der Assemblierung unserer Kundengeräte. Du packst mit Begeisterung an und gehst gerne neue Wege? – Wir auch!

Dein Profil

  • Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung als Mechatroniker, Industriemechaniker, Maschinenbautechniker oder ähnliches
  • Sicherer Umgang mit CAD, vorzugsweise SolidWorks.
  • Schnelle Auffassungsgabe für neue technische Lösungen
  • Vorzugsweise Erfahrungen im Sondermaschinenbau
  • Vorzugsweise elektrotechnische Grundkenntnisse
  • Verantwortungsvolle und team-orientierte Arbeitsweise

Working students and Internships (m/w/d)

We offer positions as working students or course-related internships to broaden your knowledge.

Bachelor/Masters thesis

Due to our own strong academic backgound and the close relation to the Institute for Electrical Energy Storage Technology at TUM we support you writing your masters thesis at crino.

Interview process


Phone call

We will intivite you to a phone call to get to know you better. You can tell us more about yourself and your motivation for the job. We will also introduce us as a place to work and give you exciting insights into our company. You can ask all the questions you have!


Case study

The interview is about assessing your motivation and qualification. As working at crino is full of challenges the application process will also entail one. We will also prepare a short case study for you to give you an insight into our daily work and the chance to prove that you are the right one for the position.


Face to face meeting

Personal contact is important to us. We are happy to show you our office and get to know you as a person. You will get to know the team and explore our products.

Let’s work together!